----------////////// S C A N I A \\\\\\\\\\----------
----------M E G A P A C K R²----------
----- B Y A L E X -----
- Obligatorily puts these files in file MOD :
-----> 0_Scania_R2_Interior.scs
-----> 0_Scania_R440_R620_R730_Mega_Pack_by_Alex.scs
- To choose between these various files the alternatives which you want :
-----> 0_Def_R440_R620_R730_Topline_4x2.scs
-----> 0_Def_R440_R620_R730_Topline_6x4.scs
-----> 0_Def_R440_R620_R730_Low_High_Top_4x2.scs
-----> 0_Def_R440_R620_R730_Low_High_Top_6x4.scs
/!\ Caution : Only one of these files must be selected /!\
2008 Scania R500 V8 Topline - Original Anaheim & Mr.Poland
Re-worked by Alex
Mr.Poland/Chudy/Pawel - cab base and some parts
EED123 - few things for gas tanks, rear ligts etc.
Sheryo - emblems, exhaust and few shitty parts coz I was too lazy to do new... Hope I will do update soon, sorry!
VenT.I.R.es - wheels
SCS Software
Hotracer , samgt13 , Bruno , Michail
Alex / Alex² / Alex_FR - Transformations, updates, reskin, re-mapping
Afflicted for the lapses of memory...
- The templates which are included -
-----> template_calandre2.png
-----> template_carenages.png
-----> template_color.png
-----> templatecolor3.png
-----> template_color7.png
-----> template_enseigne.png
Take pleasure has to work out skin for the scania ! =)
http://www.alex-photography.fr http://www.eurofreaks.eu Alex / Alex² / Alex_FR