Harry's Map v3.9 for GTS/ATS edited by krokus.
Obsah: (Content)
Mуd obsahuje upravenou mapu Harry's Map v3.9 by krokus.
Mode contains modified map Harry's Map v3.9 by krokus.
Dбle jsou zmмnмny textury silnic, dlaћeb, chodnнkщ a dalљнch pozemkщ(mode edites new textures pavements, sidewalks and next grounds),
obrбzky billboardщ(changed image of billboards), moћnost vozit speciбly i mimo emaily(possibility carry specials even without emails)
a dalљн menљн ъpravy:-)
!!!!Doporuиenн: (Recommendation)!!!!
Je nutnй zaинt hrбt novou hru! (Is neccessary start play new game!)
Hra na rozdнl od "originбlu" neobsahuje Open Career Mod. Je zde tedy pouћit standardnн postup hry
(This edited map does not contain Open career Mod. Is here then using standard of practice game).
Instalace Win Vista a 7: (Installation Win Vista and 7)
Zkopнrujte soubor .scs do C:\Users\Vaљe jmйno\Documents\German Truck Simulator\mod.
Copy the .scs files to own C:\Users\Your name\Documents\German Truck Simulator\mod.
Poznбmka: (Note)
Mуd byl testovбn pro GTS/ATS verze 1.32.
The mode has been testing for GTS/ATS version 1.32.
Informace: (Information)
Mуd byl upraven na ћбdost nмkterэch hrбищ strбnek:
http://germantrucksimulator.webnode.cz/. Mode was modified on demand some one player pages:
http://germantrucksimulator.webnode.cz/. Original design and copyright: SCS Software
Author and credits this map: Harry Piel
Author for modifications: krokus